Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Really sore losers

Well, I told you Fidel Castro wouldn't be happy with the relatively mediocre results obtained by "his" athletes in Beijing ...

And sure enough, like a malevolent dinosaur emanating from some deep, murky swamp, the semi-retired dictator has used the official Cuban media to launch a scathing attack on ... referees.

In this silly "editorial" published in the regime's official propaganda sheet, Castro blamed "corrupt" referees for the failure of the Cuban team to win anywhere as many gold medals as they did in previous Games.

He defended the indefensible - the Cuban taekwondo fighter who was banned for life from the sport after kicking a Swedish referee in the face in a most unsportsmanlike fit of anger - before claiming that Cuban boxers were "robbed" of gold.

Hmmm, funny how Castro had no problems with "corrupt" referees just four years ago in Athens ...

But that's not all. Ever the master in the dark art of managing expectations, he warned that Cuban athletes may do even worse at the London Games in 2012 due to what Castro described as "European chauvinism, corruption among judges, the buying of muscles and brains, high costs and a strong dosage of racism.''

Nope, he is not happy.


Blogger Yoli said...

Que comemierda. Pobre gente.

2:22 am  

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