Friday, July 25, 2008

Protesting Cubans

As part of its current series on life in Cuba, The Christian Science Monitor today publishes a lengthy and surprisingly supportive article on the plight of dissidents on the island – all of them women.

Among those interviewed is Nereida Rodriguez Rivero, a member of the Latin American Federation of Rural Women (FLAMUR), which has been fighting a lonely battle to force the Castro regime to do away with the existing two-currency system.

The campaign has involved the women attempting to pay for basic goods in ordinary Cuban pesos, which is the currency used by the State to pay all workers. Unfortunately for Cuban workers, pesos are not accepted in most stores which, you will be surprised to hear, are owned by the State.

It means Cubans who need to buy such "luxuries" as toothpaste, soap or clothing, have to exchange their more or less worthless pesos for the regime's own convertible currency - at a rate of 25 pesos for every one CUC.

It’s an absolute, shameful rort.


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