Monday, February 26, 2007

In the humidor

While foreign correspondents who step out of line get their marching orders from the Castro regime, dozens of wealthy cigar-smokers from around the world will flock to Havana this week to celebrate the annual Habanos Festival.

Organised by the regime's tobacco monopoly, Habanos SA, the festival is now in its ninth year and as in the past, it is again expected to attract a handful of Hollywood "celebrities".

The lucky participants will get to try new versions of both the Montecristo and the Cohiba, visit cigar factories in Havana, tour tobacco planatations in Pinar del Rio, watch fashion shows - and even learn how to make their own cigars.

But once again, the highlight of the festival will be the gala dinner at which no less than five cigar humidors will be auctioned off.

The humidors have been supposedly signed by the ailing Fidel Castro himself and are expected to fetch as much as USD500,000 each, which would otherwise buy you a lot of cigars.

As you would expect, the publicity savvy organisers at Habanos SA has given an assurance that the money raised this year - like the money raised in the past - will go "straight into the Cuban health care system".



Blogger Henry Louis Gomez said...

It's the annual smoke-a-thon for health care. Nice.

2:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the signatures on those humidors are more convincing than the one on a recent letter to Hugo Chavez, supposedly from Castro, the signature on which was declared to be a forgery by a non-Cuban handwriting expert (graphologist).

Of course, anybody who'd pay huge bucks for something signed by Castro fully deserves to get ripped off.

1:37 am  

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